Thursday, October 3, 2024

Botrea Bowl, Vets and Knockouts!

 A bit of a catch up!

Botrea Bowl

We had lovely weather for the Botrea Bowl on Saturday 28th September.

There were only nine ladies able to play and what a score our winner had!

In third place on countback from Fran was myself with 33 points... in second place with a super 36 points was Lyn...

but our winner...

with an awesome 42 points was Liz!

Many congratulations Liz, it was a fantastic round!


On Monday  the 30th Sept there was a Vets competition at Cape...30 ladies from clubs across the County came and played in conditions we described as a bit of a breeze but was actually quite fierce!

There were many trophies awarded to different sections...Fran and Fi being among the prizes ...but a winner of two trophies was our Sue! She is Cornwall Vets Captain this year so it is well deserved!

Well played Sue and thanks for all your organizing over the year. Thanks also go to Liz for doing the raffle and to Di who was there all day having prepared the cards, signed people in in their correct section and collated the results! Great job!


There are two knockouts to catch up with...the first was on the afternoon of 20th...the mixed knockout final between Fran and Brian and Steve and I.

We were on the receiving end of 6 shots but it certainly didn't help us at the start! We were 4 down after the 7th hole so we had stern words with each other (😂) to try and at least give them a game. We both started to play better and crawled our way back to all square on the 15th (the shots were helping at this point!).

We went ahead on 16 and finally won on the 17th ! It was good fun and after the way we had begun it was a real surprise to win!

The other knockout was the final of the ladies singles. 

Fiona and I played with Lindsay being our referee. This was such a close contest, with holes being halved, won or lost in succession. 

A massive amount of concentration led to me winning 14 and 15 ...Fi's reply was to win 16 and 17 ... and finally 18 as well!

It was a super match!

Winner of the Knockouts for 2024!

Well played Fi...a great contest!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Bosullow Bowl

 Bosullow Bowl

Saturday 14th was the Bosullow Bowl. This lovely Trophy that Annie and Tony began back in 1990 is a  mixed greensome off the ladies card.

What a beautiful day we had for it, blue skies and little wind at the start though the breeze picked up a little through the day.

Thirteen pairs were able to play and there were some lovely scores.

In third place (on countback!) were Lindsay and Dave M with a lovely round including 3 pars and two birdies and a score of 43 points.

In second, also with 43 points were Hilary and Rob A with super round of 10 pars and two birdies!! Awesome play off a combined handicap of 11!

In first place with a superb 47 points were Lyn and Alan, with a fab 8 pars and a birdie.

This is such a lovely competition and what a treat to have such fabulous weather. Well played all and congratulations to Lyn and Alan!

League and Knockouts


Firstly an update on the league.

Thursday Sept 5th and Saturday Sept 7th saw our final two league matches. The first against The Point which we won 6- 1; the team were Captain Sue, Hilary, Fiona, Fran, Lyn, Lindsay and myself.

 Our final match was against Falmouth who brought a strong team despite one  player being missing. Each match was hard fought and we won that one 6-1 as well. The team were Captain Sue, Claire, Fiona, Lyn, Jayne, myself and Di who in the end didn't have to play.

There were some comments from Mo about the greens but it was a hard fought and great result for Cape.

Apologies for the format of the picture below but it shows the final positions of the teams in Division two!

Huge congratulations to everyone who played this year...

that is our League Captain Sue and ...

Fran who has sorted out all the money, Claire, Di, Fi, Frieda, Hilary, Jayne, Lindsay, Lyn, Ros and myself. 

We go back up to Division 1 where we are likely to be with Carlyon Bay, St Mellion and possibly Bude but their final matches haven't been played yet so that may change.

Many thanks to Sue who had to contend with the difficulties of the horrid weather scuppering several of our later matches and the delay to the start of the season because of the temporary greens. All these things mean numerous phone calls and emails... huge thanks Sue!

Well done all - a brilliant job!

Ladies Pairs Knockout Final

Monday 9th Sept was the final of our ladies pairs knockout which was contested by these lovely ladies - Claire and Chris against Hilary and Fran.

It was a super match, closely fought with some lovely play. 

The match finished on the 16th green with Hilary and Fran winning 3 and 2.

Well played - a lovely match.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Medal and WRVS Trophy and Men's Captains Charity Day

Medal and WRVS Trophy

There were fourteen lovely ladies able to compete in the Medal and WRVS Trophy. It was a bit overcast with a strong easterly wind (for a change) and there were some good scores recorded.

Of course we needed countback third place with a nett 69 was Liz, which included three pars; in second place was Hilary with a nett 69 including 6 pars and a birdie, but our winner was Lyn with a fabulous net 67 including 5 pars and a birdie!

Worthy winner Lyn.

Well played everyone...there were three birdies on the 9th today, Lyn, Hilary and Di, and also one on the second by Fi!

Men's Captain's Charity Day

The following day was Rob's Captain's Charity Day raising funds for Marie Curie.

Six of our ladies were able to play, Claire won longest drive on the 11th and came second; and in first place with an outrageous 42 points was... winning nearest the pin in two on the 10th!

Among the Seniors Robin S won with an even more outrageous score of 43 points ; and for the men the winner was Brogan also with 43 points!

Super scores for the winners!

It was a lovely day and afterwards we enjoyed a hot dog or burger in a bun with chips and delightful coleslaw. 

There followed an auction and a raffle, altogether over £2000 was raised for the charity - a brilliant total!

Well done to Rob and all his helpers for a lovely day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Sydney Grose

 Sydney Grose

Saturday 24th August saw the playing of the Sydney Grose Trophy. There were 12 ladies able to play and we were blessed with sunshine, but a very gusty wind accompanied it!

3rd green

In the pictures it looks glorious, and it was but for the wind!

Third place had to be decided on countback with three ladies scoring 33 points; Liz claimed that third place ahead of Lindsay and Fran!

In second place was Fi with 34 and in first place...

...with a score of 36 points.

Fiona and Fran both had twos on the 13th...and Claire birdied the 6th!

Well played everyone!

Our league matches have been on hold because of some inclement weather on the days we were hoping to play....but hopefully our last two matches will be played soon.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Treverven Trophy

 Treverven Trophy

Saturday 17th was the Treverven Trophy.

This is a mixed California Scramble and we played in teams of four.

Twenty of us entered and we were blessed with decent weather in the end.

There were only four points between all five teams!

In second place with a Nett 56 were Sue D, Chris D, Lyn and Brian.

In first place with a Nett 55 were Fran, Lindsay, Andy C and German.

Well played all!

It was fun to be out there 😃

Monday, August 5, 2024

Admiration Cup and Godolphin Goblet

 Godolphin Goblet and Admiration Cup

These were competed for on Saturday 3rd August with six ladies competing for the Godolphin Goblet and five for the Admiration Cup.

In second place in the Admiration Cup was Chris D with 37 points and the winner with 40 points was Lindsay.  Well played!

In second place in the Godolphin Goblet was Sue D with 35 and the winner was Fi with 36 points. Well played all!