Thursday, November 30, 2017

Ladies v Seniors

Thursday Morning

7C feeling like 2C ... strong, strong winds and the possibility of heavy showers put paid to the Ladies v Seniors contest today.

Geoff, the Seniors Captain, emailed me at 4.44 am (!) saying that it wasn't too late to call the competition off! (It was the Seniors turn to host so it was their call.)

I didn't see the message till later but we spoke at 8 am and decided that it would be best to call it off. 

Despite that, 3 crazy ladies turned up to play a few holes, and two of the seniors were also there... Steve and George... so we played together for 5 holes.

They were amazing in the strong wind... and if we'd been playing matchplay we'd have been 5 down in 5 holes!

Still, it was good to get some fresh air. 
Five holes was enough!
Thanks Lindsay and Frieda for playing with me... and thanks to Steve and George for their lovely company.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Jack Arnold

Jack Arnold

Today was the Jack Arnold Scramble. The weather was better than yesterday in that the wind was not so strong but it was still very cold. We did have one very heavy shower but generally we kept dry.
We played a Texas Scramble in teams of three, having to get 5 drives in each.

There was only one two (on the 5th!) which was when Brian chipped in! Where's that pink headcover? He needs to have it back!

Winning team!

Brian's two contributed to the team's winning score... and by a clear margin.  Lindsay was the demon putter; John was the demon driver...  and Brian? Oh yes ...he chipped in!

Well played everyone! 

All the ladies who played enjoyed the day, some lovely golf and great company.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Golden Ball

Saturday 25th November

Golden Ball!

The weather today was very similar to Thursday. The forecast said there would be a downpour at 11 oclock, so with the the strong winds and cold air we shortened the contest.
We would play 15 holes if the weather remained ok...if not we'd stop after 11, the first group out would make the call.

As the morning went on we played with scudding clouds and some sunshine... then north of us a huge cloud formation appeared...there were rainbows and we could see the showers but fortunately it missed us!

The storm the missed us!

Fifteen Ladies played today in teams of three. We rotated the golden ball among us, we had to count two scores, one of which was to be the golden one.
The golden ball has the advantage of doubling its points so we were keen to hold on to it if we could.

This proved difficult for the first team out... a huge bird of the crow family picked it up and flew off to the 17th!
It was not found but it was replaced!
One way stormy clouds the other blue skies!
It was tough out there but also great to be out in the fresh air, even though we were battling the elements.

Three teams came in  with scores in the mid 50s... but there were two teams who were a cut above the rest of us!

Antoinette, Lindsay and Jenny were second with 70 points
but the winners scored 73 points and they were the team of Jean, Fran and Lyn!
Well played indeed!

Tomorrow some of us will be out there again for the Jack Arnold Scramble.

Next Thursday is the Ladies v Seniors (I'm still short of a couple of players if you can make it)
and next Saturday is a Medal.

Thanks as always to Mark and his team for the condition of the course.


Thursday Morning Front 9

Well, what a morning! There was a strong wind blowing and a threat of showers but eleven intrepid ladies went out and tackled the front 9.

Most folk struggled to score but Lynne was the winner of the B group and Sue D was winner of the A group, with 14 points. 
Well played!
Lyn was second with 12 points... it was definitely a challenge to get into double figures!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A CCAA Thank you

A thank you from the CCAA

I am not a Facebook user but I was sent this thank you from the CCAA which they have posted on their Facebook Page.

It is a thank you to us all 😊

Dusty Bin

Dusty Bin

Dusty Bin is like a waltz but the other way round! On our course it is really challenging to play this format on the front 9! To count 3 scores on the first hole is a real challenge, but two teams managed it! Well done!

It was a cloudy day with a light breeze - just about perfect conditions really.
We moved the tees forward on 12 and 14 and on the 12th we held the Nearest the Pin in two competition which was left over from Captain's Day.

This was won by Frieda who couldn't have got closer to the hole! She scored a 2 for 6 points! She had chipped in!
When I find the pink head-cover it is heading Frieda's way for shot of the day!
Well played!

There were 5 teams who played today and we had prizes for first and second.

In third place (on countback from Sarah, Frieda and Jayne) with 64 points were Pam Antoinette and Chris J.

Jean and Lindsay
In second place with 68 points were Sue S, Lyn and Sue D;

and in first place with an impressive 71 points were Fran, Jenny and Val!
Winners with their duster-bins!

Well played you three - especially on the 4th and the 13th where each of you had three pointers! Fabulous!

The full result is here

It has to be said that the pin positions on the back 9 were very interesting! Especially on 15 and 17!  The 17th was running fast and it was impossible to keep the ball up near the hole... !   Thanks Mark!

Actually - the course was looking great and we appreciate all that the greenkeeper's team do!

On a personal note this is the first round I've played for a while, when I felt stress free and it was lovely to be out there - many thanks to my playing partners, and to all of you for your support over the last little while. I have really appreciated it.

It's Golden Ball next Saturday followed by the Jack Arnold on the Sunday;
on Thursday 30th November it is the Ladies v Seniors! (This is an 18 hole competition - the sign up sheet is on the board.)

Thursday B 9

Thursday Back 9

16th November saw 15 ladies come to play the back 9. The weather was absolutely lovely... 

The winner of the B group was Angie with 12 points - well played!

The winner of the A group was Jane L with a fabulous 20 points. Jane just pipped Lyn who was second with 19 points and Sue D was third with 16.

Well played everyone - lovely to have such a good turnout.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Cornwall v Rest of the World

Cornwall v Rest of the World

Sunday saw a good turn out for the Cornwall v Rest of the World contest organised by the Men's section.
The weather was a huge challenge - winds stronger than yesterday which moved the balls on the green and knocked us off our stance.

We battled through but I must say hats off to the ladies who played both yesterday and today - I don't know how you did it!

The sun shone from time to time but the clouds were whipping through and it felt cold - at no time did it feel comfortable...
However... I, as a Cornish Maid, am pleased to report that Cornwall won the contest!

Thanks to Geoff and Rob for organising today!

There are a couple of mixed competitions coming up - the Jack Arnold Mixed Scramble is on Sunday 26th November (two weeks time); and then two weeks after that it is the Turkey Trot (10th December). Geoff has arranged for there to be prizes to be won for the ladies who enter the Turkey Trot - (you need to enter in pairs).

I'm hoping we will give good support to both these competitions.

Well done all who played today - real commitment to the cause!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lady Captain's Day

Lady Captain's Day

What can I say?

Never underestimate our Ladies  - what a brilliant turnout!

What amazing stars Cape has!

Because the weather was forecast to be very windy and a little damp I decided on Friday to make this a contest over 11 holes and to start half an hour later.

The Met office forecast turned out to be spot on - it was blowing a near gale and the occasional dampness whistled through - but they were right and I am so grateful that we didn't have proper rain.

Many thanks for playing - it took some degree of fortitude to get out there and in a perverse way there seemed to be a degree of enjoyment too! 
Signing in!

We played an Individual Stableford teeing off different tees on the front nine... we could call it a Tee Waltz! It went Red Yellow White; Red Yellow White etc!

This meant that the third hole was teed from the White Tees and we had a nearest the pin in two competition for each of the three handicap groups that we had today.
Fi was the winner of the Orange Group;
 Sarah was the winner of the Green Group; 
and the Blue group didn't have a winner so we will play for this prize on another day! (Maybe next Saturday!)

We had Nearest the Line on the 10th hole... 

Pam's drive!

Pam was closest for a long time but she was pipped to the prize by Bronwen who was only 1 foot away from the line!
Well played Bron and hard luck Pam!

The longest Drive competition was won by Bev who had a beautiful drive down the middle of the 11th. Well played!

Playing the 5th
 Conditions were 100% tricky but everyone kept going!
As the ladies finished the 5th they were offered something to warm them... port...drambuie or Rochester's ginger... or a combination thereof!

What a sight!
Everyone soldiered through to the end!

In the blue group (handicaps 29 and above) third place was won by Frieda with 12 points. 
In second place with 14 points was Jayne
and winning this group was Val with 15 points! 
A fantastic score today!
Well played!

Teeing off the whites on 6

In the Green Group (handicaps 21 to 28) Chris J was third with 11 points. We had to use countback to decide 2nd and 3rd, with Di just pipping Chris to that position.
In first place was Lindsay with 13 points!
Well played!

In the Orange group (handicaps 20 and below) Fran was third with 12 points;
Hilary was second with 13 points 
and the winner was Fi with 15 points.
Well played!

Conditions were so tough.. only 5 players scored in the teens - so well done everyone for soldiering on! 

We stopped at the club for a cup of coffee (or similar!) and then headed to Sue D's for wonderful food!
Huge thanks to Sue for opening her house to us and for providing us with a fabulous spread!

Sue's new kitchen was absolutely perfect for hosting us!

Some final thank yous...  to Sue for all her work (she was making eclairs at 6am this morning!);
 to Mark for helping me yesterday set out the line on the 10th, and for coming early this morning to prepare the course for us; 

and to all of you for being such wonderful adventurous spirits...taking on the elements and winning!

Thank you! 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday Front 9

Thursday 9th November

Eleven lovely ladies came to enjoy the warm autumn sunshine,  cloudy and rather windy day.

Most of us found it hard work...all but one that is!

10,11 or 12 seemed to be the favourite numbers for stableford points, and of course countback was necessary!
Di just pipped Pam and Lindsay to third place with 12 points;
Sue D was second with 13,
but our outstanding player this morning was Jane with 17! (And that included a blob!)
Well played Jane - an impressive score!

The wind was strong, sometimes helping, sometimes not!
Pride before a fall! (or Pride before a wall!)
The growing pride in hitting a long drive on the 8th was soon deflated... the next shot was lost in the mound! Ball not found and no score made...such is life.

All in all though it was good to be out, to have some fresh air and enjoy good company.

Thanks to Sue D for doing the cards and to Di for her report about Charity Day in today's Cornishman.

Lady Caps Day on Saturday is looking pretty windy with a damp start. I will shorten the competition if necessary (15 or 11 holes would be easy enough) but hopefully we can get something played! Come prepared!

For those joining us at Sue's we'll be there about 1.30/1.45pm!

See you Saturday!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

November Medal

November Medal

November Medal time! It was windy, sunny (mostly) and we needed jackets, hats and gloves! It wasn't really cold... but definitely bracing!

The wonderful thing about weather like this at this time of year is the colours around us - magnificent.
How fortunate we are to live in a place like this!

The golf itself was challenging to say the least and the results were very close.

In fourth place with 78 was Jane, well played especially when you had a sore ankle.
In third was myself with 77 - (on countback of course)  
Fran was second with 77 and our winner today with a nett 76 was Di!
Well played Di!

The course was great, the greens much faster than Thursday, it was lovely that 14  fabulous ladies turned up to play. 
I had great company in Pam, she putted beautifully from anywhere on the green... or even off it! Her shot of the day was a putt up on to the green from in front of the slope on the 8th...the ball jumped over the top of the hole - it was such a good putt! 

Next Saturday is Lady Captain's Day - an Individual Stableford - with food afterwards at Sue D's!
I will email everyone with the start times - I'm hoping for similar weather to today!

See you then if not before.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday Back 9 and a rule reminder

Thursday Back 9

Eleven lovely ladies came to play the back 9 today.
Mark let us know that the fairway mower was broken so things weren't quite as he would like... and also that the rabbits were back to scraping the greens, especially the 13th!
His ongoing battle continues!

The weather was fine, quite still and overcast but it was dry!

As always several of us came in with the same scores! 
In third place on countback with 13 points was Sue D.
In second place was Sue S also with 13, but we had a runaway winner!
Chris J had 17 points!
Well played Chris!

Saturday is a Medal/Satbleford, and then the following Saturday is Lady Captain's Day.

This will be an individual Stableford with a twist (you know me!)

Afterwards we are meeting at Sue D's for food, drink and prizes!

(If you need her address then just ask!)

A Rule enquiry.

We were talking this morning about a couple of things and I promised to look them up in the book...

Spot the ball?

The bridges over the orchard are an integral part of the course and should be treated as such.
If your ball ends up on the bridge you may play it without penalty.
If you cannot play it (or do not want to) you can declare it unplayable.

This gives you three options under penalty of one stroke.

1) Go back and play again from the spot the last stroke was played (stroke and distance)
2) Go back in line - drop a ball behind the point where the ball lay, keeping that point directly between the hole and you, with no limit to how far back you can go.
3) Drop the ball within two club lengths of where the ball lay, not nearer the hole.

 The orchard on the 15th  is out of bounds and if you see your ball go into it, then under penalty of one stroke, you have to go back to where you played that shot and play again (stroke and distance). 

If however you ball goes into the front of the wall and stays there, and you find can declare it unplayable and you have the three options mentioned above.

If you cannot find your ball in the ivy or grass...then you have to return to the place the original shot was played and play from there (stroke and distance), you cannot go back in line or take two club lengths.

Not sure if that is any help. I will have forgotten it myself by Saturday but hopefully we will remember between us!