Thursday Front 9
'Eleven Pipers Piping' ...oops ..not yet! The only thing that was piping was the wind in the wires!
Eleven wonderful women played Cape today... against 44 mph winds and windchill which meant we were well wrapped up!
Warm conditions at Cape? |
The wind made play, walking and keeping your trolley upright very difficult!
Spot the capsized Trolley |
Judy was quietly putting on the third green when her trolley took off and sped down the slope... thank goodness for bracken or it'd be heading for Scilly!
The wind has been so strong over the last week or so that the marker post at the back of the 7th now resembles a gallows!
Considering how difficult conditions have been the course was looking great.
There were only three pars to be had today... Judy parred the 2nd, Lyn the third and Frieda the 9th!
Our winner (on countback) was Lyn with 12 points, followed by Ruth and Judy who both also had 12 points.
The winner of the B group was Lynne with 7 points.
Today we put into practice the 2019 Rules for the first time.
We had met yesterday evening at Pam's to have a discussion about how the new rules work and today we had our first trial run.
Most of us used them in one way or another; either using the knee high drop (which feels weird!) or marking out (a pizza slice!) when taking relief from a rabbit hole... to not being penalised for a double hit and leaving the flag in the hole!
At the moment the rules feel a but unwieldy... a bit like new shoes that aren't quite comfortable ... but you know they will be more comfortable eventually. We just have to keep at it.
Sue has said the New Rules will apply in all our play from now till Christmas... it gives us all the chance to try them out before they begin in earnest on Jan 1st 2019!
Many thanks to Pam for hosting yesterday (all 18 of us); for providing us with a warm and comfortable venue away from the lightning storm... for our refreshments and also this beautiful display of flowers - they are beautiful - thanks Pam.
Well done everyone for battling on today... it was tough but we're made of stern stuff!