Saturday, June 29, 2024

League v St Enodoc and Saturday's Stableford

League v St Enodoc

Huge congratulations to the League team for winning their match away at St Enodoc.

Cape won 4.5 to 2.5 which puts us on top of the league with 7 points, alongside China Fleet who also have 7 points.

Well played team!

 Fi, Fran, Frieda, Hils, Jayne, Lyn and Captain Sue D.

Saturday 29th June

Nine ladies were able to play the Stableford on Saturday 29th (Mazey Day) and the sun peeped through the cloud from time to time.

The course is becoming more defined by the day and the Cornish Hedges are looking fabulous.

... near the 9th

The greens are slowly improving and the bunkers are now full of proper sand - excellent!

Well done to the greenkeeping team.

We have all experienced the fickle hand of lady luck... or the rub of the green as we call it... when it happens we just have to shrug our shoulders, put our head down and get on with it.

Chris D had this experience on the 9th!

She hit a drive down the middle...which then decided to drift across towards the hedge... ended up in this impossible position!

The challenge of golf!

Chris took a drop and got on with it.. so frustrating.. but it happens to us all!

Our winner was Frieda with a score of 36 - well played!

In second was Fi with 32 (on countback from Di and myself).

Well played everyone - and thanks Lyn for doing the cards. 

Next weekend is the Club Championship - lets hope the weather continues fair for us.

Abbotswood Trophy

Abbotswood Trophy

The Abbotswood Trophy was held on 22nd June, it's a mixed competition sponsored by Sue and Steve D. 

The format sees teams of four - two men two women - with two scores counting - the best man's and the best woman's score.

It's lovely to have a different format and there were five teams able to play.

In second place were Fran and Fi with Brian and Bruce - they scored 83 points. This included twenty pars and three birdies!

The winners however scored 90 points - well played Sue D, Claire, Robin and Alan!

Well played all - a lovely competition.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Polglase 1 Medal and Vets Vase

 Polglase 1 Medal and Vets Vase

Just 9 of us were able to play Polgalse 1 (delayed from earlier in the year because of the bad weather).

It was very windy, cloudy and damp and most of us had over-trousers on at the start...and even hats!

It really was tough, though the threat of rain slowly passed by and it warmed up a bit.

It looks beautiful but was so difficult in the wind...and in the rough with balls being lost etc.

The best score was a Nett 77 with three ladies with 79!

Of course countback was needed - so in second place (from Fi and myself)  was Fran;  and in first place was Sue D!

Sue D winner of the Vets Vase

Well played Sue - winner of the Vets Vase, and well done all for battling through to the end.

Thanks also to Ros for doing the cards.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Coronation Foursomes and beyond

Coronation Foursomes

8th June saw just four pairs playing the this competition.

Conditions were fairly good and the ball is beginning to run on the dry fairways.

Eyeing up the 12th

Our winners and going on to the regional competition were Lyn and Sue D with 37 points.

Unfortunately Sue S had not been allowed to play as her handicap has crept up just above the handicap limit. It was really disappointing because it would have been fabulous for her and Lyn to defend their crown from last year's visit to St Andrews. 

However, Lyn and Sue D will carry the Cape flag onwards.

In second were Lindsay and myself with 35 points.

Well played all!

Weymouth with the Vets

The following day 5 of us set off for Weymouth to play in the Cornwall Vets match against Dorset.

We were fortunate with lovely weather and enjoyed a stroll along by the beach...

...and we played the next day. The course was beautiful and in fantastic condition; the greens were large, probably twice the speed of ours and true. The matches were very close, most finishing on the 18th. 
Cornwall lost 5 - 2. It was a fabulous day and we had a superb meal afterwards.

 Altogether a lovely trip!

On the way home we stopped briefly for Fran to take a picture of the coast and Chesil Bank. 

What a view!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Match v China Fleet

 League Match v China Fleet

Wednesday 5th June saw us playing our home match against China Fleet.

It was sunny with a breeze and it warmed up as we played.

The course itself is looking fabulous - we still have two temporaries but the greens are definitely improving and its lovely to see the ongoing improvements being made... today it was a marker post installed on the left hand side of the gap through the wall on the 12th.

Marker post on the 12th

It is not easy to see on the picture but it will be helpful as we tee off on 12!

Our ladies won the match 6-1. Well played ladies and I'm delighted to report that we had an excellent meal. 

Our team were Sue D, Hils, Fran, Fi, Lyn, Ros and myself.

Many thanks to the greenstaff for all their hard work and support for our matches, and to Ian who did us proud with the food.

- - - - -

When we played our match away at China Fleet we lost 4-3 but on inspecting the scores we had made an error on two handicap indexes so in the end we lost 6-1... so it was good to win our home match by the same margin.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Match v St Enodoc and Polglase Par

 League match v St Enodoc

Thursday Match v St Enodoc

Because seven ladies were involved in the match the usual Thursday morning 9 holes didn't take place.

It was sunny but also very windy so we needed jackets and every single one of us found it tough going.

The St Enodoc ladies were very understanding of the challenges we've had with the course and were very friendly.

Cape came out winners by 4.5 to 2.5.

Well played team.

Saturday 1st June Polglase Par

By the first tee

There were 15 ladies who were able to play and like Thursday there was sunshine and a breeze - but fortunately not as strong as on our match day. The course is beginning to look lovely and we have all but two greens back in play. There is still a way to go but it's encouraging to see such progress.

Beautiful foxgloves

Chris L took the above lovely photo of the foxgloves overlooking Cape. 

The walls are full of flowers too

Par is always a challenging competition - playing matchplay against the course.

Our winner was Sue D who was one up!

Well played Sue - you beat the course!

In second was Claire who was just one down; and in third and fourth were Fran and Lindsay who were two down (separated by countback).

Well done all!