Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Presidents' Cups

The Presidents' Cups

Sunday 14th July was the Presidents' Cups. A stableford competition with trophies for each section of the club.

There wer 9 ladies able to play and we were blessed with benign conditions!

Hardly a breath of wind!

It was a shotgun start with the ladies starting on the 10th, 12th or 14th tees (it's quite nice getting the back 9 hills out of the way early!!

The course is being clearly defined and rightly punishes us when we get involved in the long rough!

It was really lovely to be treated to refreshments ...a drop (or two!) of prosecco  and some  chocolate went down very well!

See how still the sea is!

There were the occasional lost balls of course but our winner with a fabulous 38 points was Claire.

Many congratulations!

In the Seniors competition the winner was Robin Smith with 40 points with Alan Cragg in second with 36; 9 players entered.

In the Men's competition the winner was John Stock with 38 points, pushing Ryan Eddy into second on countback; 12 men entered.

Well played all and thanks to Lyn and Roy for arranging everything, it was a lovely day.

The following day should have been our next league match, (against Falmouth), but the weather was not kind so we have postponed it for a month.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Bronze Shield

 Bronze Shield

Wednesday 10th July saw four of our ladies venture to Merlin for the Inter Club Handicap Shield... more commonly known as the Bronze Shield.

This is a medal round with the best three individual scores totalled to give a team score.

Huge well done to Sue D, Fran, Fiona and Jayne for coming third with a nett 220; in second place were Looe with 219 and winning the Bronze Shield this year were West Cornwall with 216 so it was a close run thing!

Well done all, and thanks to Di for being there the whole day too!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Club Championship Weekend

 Club Championship Weekend

The start of Round 1 

July 6th and 7th was the Club Championship - two rounds of golf - medal and with trophies for the best gross and best nett scores.

The Saturday was blustery; a strong wind and a shower or two, in contrast Sunday was sunny and so much quieter in terms of the wind.

There were 11 ladies able to play in the competition.

The format is a medal and is the only competition at Cape where you can't pick up after 10 shots - that was a challenge in Saturday's conditions.

However everyone battled through and Fiona came out on top after Round 1 with the best gross score of 89. Hilary was second with 90, Fran was in third with 96 and Claire 4th with a 98.

Two drives on the 18th! Couldn't have done that if we tried!

On the Sunday we went out in reverse order with 9 ladies playing. 

The final group was Fiona, Hils and Fran.

Fi, Hils and Fran on the final hole!

Hilary posted a gross 85 in that second round, Fran a 90, Fiona 92 and Claire an 87!

This resulted in a win for Hilary, our Club Champion for 2024 with a combined score of 175.

Club Champion

Fiona won the best nett competition with 143 ...

Best Nett


... just one ahead of Fran with 144! A close run thing!

First and second Nett

Claire was our second best gross score winner with a total of 185.

First and second gross

I for one lost countless balls, I was reassured to find that others had also ended up taking 5 (or more!!) off the tee at various points!

I think we all deserved a medal for completing that first round!

Many thanks to Di for organising and processing the cards and to Lyn for doing the presentation.

All our winners!

Well played everyone!