Saturday, February 18, 2017

Saturday Stableford

A Special Birthday!

Today we celebrated Rosemary's 80th Birthday. The special day itself was Tuesday but we have celebrated all week!

It was lovely to see so many ladies come and enjoy the day. 

We also played a Stableford and despite the conditions being fairly benign none of us played well and the competition was reductions only (and there were none of those!)

Our winner was Jenny with 29 points; this included a birdie on the 12th!

In second with 28 points was Sue D; and in third on countback (from Fran and Fiona) was Jayne with 26 points.

Full results are here.

Everyone seemed to find it hard... it was just one of those days!

We had started in overcast weather (cooler than we expected) but we ended up in warm sunshine and beautiful blue skies!

However it didn't improve our golf and we were glad to be done and get in!  

Many thanks to Di and Fran for doing the cards and the eclectics; and to Jane for organizing Rosemary's cake - it was beautiful... and delicious.

We have such a lovely group of ladies at Cape - what a joy to be a part of. 
Thank you!

Many Happy Returns, Rosemary!

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