Friday, November 8, 2019

Thursday 7th Nov

Front 9

 Six intrepid ladies ventured forth to play this morning. There was a lot of 'ummming and ahhhhing' about play but there were a couple who were keen and they managed to persuade four others to join in!

Crazy ladies!
There was an ominous cloud looming over us which seemed to be inching towards us...

but somehow it 'went up the channel' and that one missed us!

The course is very wet in places and several of the bunkers remain flooded like this one from the other day.

The views were as spectacular as usual though!

Well done everyone who played... Liz and I ran the last two holes as another cloud was looming and we were catching the edge of it while Marion and Chris J headed in from the 7th to avoid a downpour.

Marion was second with 12 points (despite not finishing the last three!) and Frieda was our winner with 14 points.

Well done everyone!
Di and Bronwen came over for coffee at the end which was great.

Saturday's competition is off because of the forecast although folk are welcome to come and play a roll up if they so wish. Sunday is Cornwall v Rest of the World!

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