Saturday 13th April (the day before we headed for Lanhydrock) an 11 hole comp had been planned but the weather once again played its part.
Instead, Sue D, Lindsay and I played a few holes before the rain came in... the best part was the freshly ploughed fields as we played the fourth! Still, we had some fresh air and hit a few balls!!!
Sunday at Lanhydrock
About twenty ladies made it to the Away Days this year - our numbers a little down for a variety of reasons but all who made it had a really lovely time, it was especially lovely to have Una and Val F join us.
Everyone met in the bar area for a coffee/bacon bap or similar before heading for the first tee.
It's the other way Angie!! |
We played in groups of three, it was lovely to spot our ladies out on the course in their pink Cape jumpers!
It doesn't appear so on the photos but the first tee is raised and we drive downhill towards a lake. At that point we have to decide do we lay up or risk taking a shot over the water from further back.
Folks like me are not very sensible so my second shot became one of the numerous lost balls!
Liz playing across the lake. |
Many witnessed Chris L play the shot of the day (which she repeated later too!); her ball skimmed across the lake and bounced up on to the green! Skillful stuff!! |
Looking back across the first green towards the hotel. |
The course itself is lovely, full of tree lined fairways...
... a lot of water, some in lakes, some in ditches!These ditches also had an appetite for balls which they whisked away in their fast running water out of sight!The 6th is a beautiful hole...and another hungry for lost balls!
Liz playing on to the green after clearing the water. |
Laying up and then playing on to the green is the sensible option! But it doesn't always happen even then; several of us lost balls to this corner of the course.Of course, if you avoided the water and the ditches there were the trees to contend with!The greens were in lovely condition; the fairways were also lovely, partly because Lanhydrock protect their fairways during damp conditions by requiring each player to play off a mat on the fairways. More of which in the next blog.
We had a nearest the pin competition on the 15th which was won by Hilary - the only person on the green! Well done Hils.
Pre-dinner drinks and nibbles were in Sue S's room
The buzz of Cape Ladies could be heard all around Bodmin!
Then it was to a presentation followed by dinner.
Nearest the Pin was won by Hils
Shot(s )of the day by Chris L
And the winners of the trophy were Lindsay, Liz and Fran!Well played ladies!
To finish day one, here are a group of lovely photos from various ladies... enjoy!
Our lovely organisers. |
The day ended with many ladies watching the progress of the Masters on the TV in the bar... others of us were so tired we collapsed on beds and slept!!
Day two to follow!