Thursday, October 3, 2024

Botrea Bowl, Vets and Knockouts!

 A bit of a catch up!

Botrea Bowl

We had lovely weather for the Botrea Bowl on Saturday 28th September.

There were only nine ladies able to play and what a score our winner had!

In third place on countback from Fran was myself with 33 points... in second place with a super 36 points was Lyn...

but our winner...

with an awesome 42 points was Liz!

Many congratulations Liz, it was a fantastic round!


On Monday  the 30th Sept there was a Vets competition at Cape...30 ladies from clubs across the County came and played in conditions we described as a bit of a breeze but was actually quite fierce!

There were many trophies awarded to different sections...Fran and Fi being among the prizes ...but a winner of two trophies was our Sue! She is Cornwall Vets Captain this year so it is well deserved!

Well played Sue and thanks for all your organizing over the year. Thanks also go to Liz for doing the raffle and to Di who was there all day having prepared the cards, signed people in in their correct section and collated the results! Great job!


There are two knockouts to catch up with...the first was on the afternoon of 20th...the mixed knockout final between Fran and Brian and Steve and I.

We were on the receiving end of 6 shots but it certainly didn't help us at the start! We were 4 down after the 7th hole so we had stern words with each other (😂) to try and at least give them a game. We both started to play better and crawled our way back to all square on the 15th (the shots were helping at this point!).

We went ahead on 16 and finally won on the 17th ! It was good fun and after the way we had begun it was a real surprise to win!

The other knockout was the final of the ladies singles. 

Fiona and I played with Lindsay being our referee. This was such a close contest, with holes being halved, won or lost in succession. 

A massive amount of concentration led to me winning 14 and 15 ...Fi's reply was to win 16 and 17 ... and finally 18 as well!

It was a super match!

Winner of the Knockouts for 2024!

Well played Fi...a great contest!

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