Sunday, October 2, 2016



Firstly huge respect to the twelve intrepid ladies who played on Saturday in the Carmen Payne Trophy.

It was NOT like this... 

...this was just a day later!

I hear reports of strong winds, heavy showers and horrible hail! I was driving back from London so came across it in a different way!

Well done everyone for soldiering on through it all - I'm hoping someone took a picture?

Understandably there were no adjustments to handicap, the full results are here but well done to Hilary who took third place; to Sue D who took second and to Lindsay for winning the trophy.

Well done all!

The previous Saturday we had very strong winds with a downpour forecast for mid-day; so we played an informal stableford over 11 holes... the result has evaporated into the mists of time... sorry!

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