What a beautiful day!
The plane trails in the sky were special!
It was the turn of the front nine to host us today and we played the usual Stableford but added a twist!
The twist was that before we went out, we each chose two holes that we wanted to double our scores on... they were marked on the card before setting off. (This is a familiar format for some of the Tuesday evening golfers).
It is surprising how we wrestled with which holes to chose...the one with the shots, or the easier hole?
One person chose the first; three chose the second and four chose the third. All those choosing the third scored well with Jenny and Lynne scoring 6 points each!

The person who chose their holes most wisely was Lynne with 12 points, with Jenny and Pam close behind with 10!
In overall third place, with a total of 20 points, was Pam; in second with 21 points was Jenny (what a score this could have been as it included two blobs!) and in first was yours truly... with an outrageous 23 points (including one blob!)
We were so lucky with the gorgeous weather!
Thanks to Di who did the Card marking and for bringing the second/extra photo book (which was made for Sonia)... there's a story to be told!
There is a lovely card from Sonia on the ladies board.
Some of you have asked what we gave her, there were two £35 M&S vouchers from the Ladies and Men's committees, plus a voucher for £100 from the collection the ladies made.
The Bosullow Bowl is on Saturday - look out for an email with your starting time and place.
The following Saturday is the Bob/Lynne Trophy - a drawn high/low betterball competition - the list is up on the Ladies board.
A reminder - it is now Preferred Lies (Winter Rules) which means that on the fairway you may mark your ball, clean and place it to your satisfaction within 6 inches.
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