Saturday, May 11, 2019

Polglase 3 Par

Polglase 3 Par

Seventeen ladies were able to compete in the competition today and the weather was glorious. 

We are so fortunate to play golf in this amazing place!

The bluebells are beautiful too...

The Par competition format is an unforgiving one - playing matchplay against the course - but everyone gave it a good shot!

In fourth place (on countback from Hilary) was Lyn with a score of 2 down.

In third place on countback from myself was Lindsay - we were both one up; and in first place, winning two up was Liz!

Liz received a handicap cut so is now playing off 33. Well played!

I said it's an unforgiving format because it feels like that - if you've lost a couple of holes you feel as though you're not playing well, but that's not necessarily true - for example - the first 7 players today all played within their buffer zone and that's unusual for us at Cape!

There is one more player who should have an individual mention - Frieda - who birdied the 7th hole! A great score on that hole! Deserving of the pink head-cover...I can't imagine why she was not keen to accept it!

For the full results click here.

Di mentioned a couple of diary changes for us - notably the Land's End Open has moved from the 9th of June to Sunday 23rd June. Di was also collecting names of folk happy to play in the Bronze Shield at St Austell on the 20th June. 

The 14th - a change to the OB
Please also note that after discussion in the men's meeting the orchard to the right of the bridge on the 14th will no longer be out of bounds but a drop can be taken in the Drop Zone (where the blue tee is) for a one stroke penalty. This makes eminent sense to me, so it is the same both sides of the bridge.
If however you ball flies beyond that orchard area and/or down on to the 13th then it is still out of bounds. Mark will be sorting out the marking when he can.

The course was looking great today - the only frustration for everyone is the condition of the greens - it is a real battle against the leather-jackets. I know we're grateful for all the hard work that Mark and his team do.

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