Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Trevelyan Scramble

 Trevelyan Scramble

There was a good turnout for the Trevelyan scramble on Sunday 20th March.

More ladies had hoped to play but Covid had taken its toll.

It was a shotgun start, windy and rather grey but the sun shone later.
The wind conditions made it challenging.
Ten teams of four and one team of three played and there were some good scores recorded.

In third place was the team of three with Ros, Rob T and Andy C with a score of 64.

In second was a team of four men - John T, Terry P, Chris A and Adam A - with a score of 62.4.

In first place, with an outrageous score of 60.7 were Lindsay, Geoff, Dale P and Dan F!

                                             Well played team - great job!

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