Friday, November 5, 2021

Mind the gap...again!

 Mind the gap!

Apologies for not having updated the blog since mid October... I've had computer issues and the weather really hasn't been great for golf!

The Land's End Open happened on the 17th October, there were 65 entries and delighted that Sam came fourth and Fran 8th with Sue D 12th!

Well played ladies.

We did have a stableford on the 23rd with just 8 ladies entered with the results as follows

Full Net Result

1Polglase, Fran32 pts (22)Overall Winner
2Cape, Angela31 pts (38)Overall Runner-Up
3Grose, Fiona30 pts (17)Overall 3rd

Last Saturday's Wheeler Bowl was cancelled after one of our ladies tested positive for Covid and the safest option for all concerned was to cancel the official competition - so a few ladies played but not in an official competition.

The Holman trophy was held on the Sunday (which is open to ladies)  but with the rather challenging weather and with our heightened Covid awareness no ladies entered.

And that brings us to this week's Thursday morning which turned into another challenge!

Having been away from the course for several weeks it was great to see it looking so good - with some new shrubs planted too.
But it was the weather that was the challenge!

We had really heavy showers and we all get very wet, especially those that started a little later!

We also had some sunshine and we scuttled along as quickly as possible to get in before the next shower!
Rainbows abound!

It really was beautifully!

Andy Brogan has set up a winter league competition for us all to play in if we'd like so some of us entered that too, this is a stableford off full handicap over 11 holes.

The results of our ladies stableford reflect the challenge of the weather!

1Bowers, Ruth15 pts (08)Overall Winner
2Cape, Angela14 pts (19)Overall Runner-Up
3Blight, Sarah13 pts (11)Overall 3r

Well done everyone that played - the fresh air was nice!!!

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